I Don’t Niche.
My first blog post! I feel like I should probably start off with some kind of intro, about me, life story kind of thing, but this thought just popped into my head recently and I feel like it sums me up in a nice bite sized chunk. Maybe I’ll bare more of my soul later, but for now, this is me.
As a full time creative, one of my greatest attributes and simultaneously greatest downfalls, is I don’t niche. Never have, and probably never will. I’m a multifaceted human being. Versatile. Adaptable. Ever evolving and exploring.
Does this make me a “Jack of all trades, master of none”? Maybe. But there is too much beauty in this world and too many ideas swirling in my artist brain, to put myself in a box. That would be a waste if you ask me. Every marketing course, advice article and social media marketer preaches “Find a niche!” To which I respond with the steadfast stubbornness of a toddler elephant.
In this digital world, not carving out my own niche definitely has its drawbacks from a marketing standpoint. So I appreciate each and every one of you who stops by and catches a glimpse of what I create.
Maybe my niche is that I have no niche. Although If we have to pick something, one common thread you will find is nudity. Starting with my modeling career obviously, but spanning across most of my life, from my artwork, to my home improvement projects. I even created this website while lounging in the nude. Anything you can do, I can do naked. Boom. That’s my niche.